Day 8

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Blog Post #9 – January 8th, 2020

You never know with new clients what they might be experiencing or dealing with. My first consultation with new clients includes figuring out if a chapter 13 or 7 would be better and what they want to achieve from filing bankruptcy. This means having them explain how they got to be in my office. Typically this includes something that went wrong that sent them down a path in which they could not recover. Maybe they agreed to cosign a loan for a family member, they got into a car accident that totaled their car, or even lost their job. Once you are headed down this path it is easy to get lost and find your way back. My clients often have good intentions but are down on their luck and keep getting the short end of the stick. 

Even though I am doing this January challenge and living on their budget, I will never fully experience or understand what they are going through and feeling. My kitchen is stocked with spices, condiments, and for some reason almond butter with chia seeds which I ended up needing for a recipe this week. Living on a smaller food budget, it is easier to cook meals instead of going out to eat with my stocked kitchen. I do not have to worry about working a second job while finding care for small children and wondering what quick meals I can make to keep them healthy. I even use a service that does menu planning for me which ensures the meals will last me throughout the week and be healthy. Now that I’ve spent 8 days thinking about every dime before I spend it, I can see how being in chapter 13 is extremely stressful and taxing.

Here is the link to the overnight oats that required almond butter (or peanut butter) with chia seeds. Recipe


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