Day 15
Blog Post #16 – January 15th, 2020
Today I received unexpected income of $200.00. While this money would not affect the means test, because it was after the filing, in San Antonio, I believe the Chapter 13 Trustee would require me to report this income and perhaps pay it in as extra disposable income even though it is unexpected and may never be repeated. I would sure like to keep it in case I have unexpected expenses in the future. While $200.00 is not a lot of money in the grand scheme of things over a 60 month period it could make or break me in the future.
I also found out that the amount I thought I owed to the IRS, pursuant to an audit for tax year 2017, has been changed from $4,000.00 tax due to a refund of about $600. I have never had this come up before. I am not sure if I need to go back and amend the B-22. I am pretty sure it is a prepetition asset so I need to amend schedule B and the exemption schedule C. You never know what issues this kind of thing will bring up.
Also when I filled out the means test I deducted the actual amount I give to my church. We have donated to our church for years. Since this experiment started I am questioning my allegiance to this branch of christianity and I am not sure I want to continue to contribute to my current church. I have always believed the means test requires past and ongoing contributions in order to qualify for the deduction. I have now reread Section 707(b) and I believe the contributions can either be before filing or after filing but do not have to be both. So that brings up the issue, if I change my donation from a church to say a homeless shelter as long as it is still charity would I need to indicate the change on my expense statement?