Blog Post #17 – January 16th, 2o20. The day started off with a note from my work computer that the windows 7 is no longer supported. So apparently I need to buy a new operating system. [...]
Blog Post #16 – January 15th, 2020 Today I received unexpected income of $200.00. While this money would not affect the means test, because it was after the filing, in San Antonio, I [...]
Blog Post #15 – January 14th, 2020 I decided to pack my lunch today. It was easier than I thought. I just packed some salad, fruit, a water, a packet of almond butter, and a power bar. [...]
Blog Post #14 – January 13th, 2020. I know I promised an update of how Judge Gargotta is doing, but I got to court late and I was not able to talk to him before court started. This time of [...]
Blog Post #13 – January 12th, 2020 I was feeling a little under the weather today. But no matter what I had to get the groceries purchased and meals cooked. I usually do meal planning [...]
Blog Post #12 – January 11th, 2020 For the Western District Bench Bar we wrap up the conference early and have activities on Friday afternoon. Usually it is golf and spa activities. This [...]
Blog Post #11 – January 10th, 2020 Yesterday we had a family meeting to discuss how we are doing in our quest. We have used up our pet/vet budget and my work lunches are limited from here [...]
Blog Post #10 – January 9th, 2020 Monday when I went to court, I realized I had not put any money in the budget for parking. Luckily I have a company credit card so I can still charge my [...]
Blog Post #9 – January 8th, 2020 You never know with new clients what they might be experiencing or dealing with. My first consultation with new clients includes figuring out if a chapter [...]
Blog Post #8 – January 7th, 2020 Today I left work early after my 3:00 o’clock 341 (a) meeting was over. I headed to the gym. (Yes the dues are in the budget they are in medical expenses) [...]